The Honolulu Advertiser Friday, October 30, 1992 D-15 4t3-HouMsPartFim. 4 1 J-Houses fat urn. 470-Offlces to Share 445ropertyMgnt I MAKAKILO Pakahua Heighta WAIPAHU Crestvtew 32, fami KAILUA Enchanted Lakes 322, new paint, prefer lease 475-awkieH. Industrial AAA Oahu a largest rental into service 100 dattyl All areas siTeepnoeel homes from $650 979 7900 Homelocators tee Professional Property Mgmt. ISLAND REALTY MGMT.
941-6645 ly rm J13UU iiju2U SHIRLEY OMISHI REALTOR Kaneohe Bay, Makani Kai Marina, 1 personnon-smoker. Fum 32 townhse Poot'prkg sauna $600 utrla 235-5530 eiu ratrway mry V40-9U91 oatn, no pets. $1250. 621 2500 UR Service KAILUA Enchanted Lake WAIPAHU ESTATE. 3 bdrm AAA AFFORDABLE OFFICES 1060 Young SI 1104' 1350 King: 443' or 1368' Airport: 5300' or leas $1 20sf Campbell: 1.000' Executive Plaza: 5300' new twilei: 175', 350'.
920' Mapunapuna 7500' or 6500' AIEA Royal Summit Ige. 2200 bdrm. $1500 mcl utils No HALAWA-new whse wpark-mg 836. 1003, 1246, 1674, 2505, 2962, 3300, 4600, 5400 af Karen Taniyama (R) 522 5991 Sofos Realty Corp 2 bath, fenced yard. Avail REAL ESTATE SALES 4 MANAGEMENT Takasaki Inc (R) 531-2706 peis avail 111.
2820836 oam, prkg Ocean view. tPOOOmo now. $1100 671-3340 eves KANEOHEHaiku; Lge. 22 twnhome. share wf-owner, $450 um ind 235 1051 rt1 MAKAKILO 32.
11200 In Paul Maeda (R) v- 672 3555; 735 6850 FINANCE REALTY hom*o MAI MGMT. 456-451 1 Walperiu Village Park 2 bdrm vhiluh r.eoiu Dr. 32 airy, den, Koa, refurbished, $1706. 2 bath, den $1250 Sun Corp Waikiki: ttOU' to 8000 ALEWA DTI. 3 bOrm.
1 balh TOWN MANAGEMENT We care tor your property as II were out own. 523-7502 JR Commercial Ctr; 16003500 sf ground fl w10 tree prkg. 4-M; U8H-8064 Kaneohe Lge 22 condo, nonsmkr oov prkg, nr busmall $525 utils mcl 247 5885 aun tsiaiee eor-UJUU wasrvary. No pets HAWAII LOA RIDGE HOME FOR EZ LIVING Architect designed 4 bedroom den. 4.5 baths.
3 car garage gives space tor everyone. Kitchen designed lor serving out to covered lanai pool. Huge formal dining room. (FS) mls44957 Gloria Jane Damron (R)Audrey H. Huter (H) 395-2212395-7522 $1,350,000 HAWAII KAI OCEAN VIEW-RITE PRICE Over 750 F.
-1 bdrm 1 bath with lanai covd parking space, extra storage, pool. Walk to tennis, Costco, boat dock, schools. Bus stop at door. Nice neighbors. Call now (L) mlsNEW Glona Jane Damron (ft) 395-2212Audrey H.
Huter (R) 395-4246395-7522 $169,500 Makaklto 42. downstairs of duplex. $1200. Century 21 Ron Nakatsu Rtty 671-8561 Mike r-uruiam miy 526-0548 Wagner A Wagner $1600, 3954131 KAILUA Kedu quiet 32 car pel, fenced, gar washdrver WAIPAHU Village Park 31 DZo-otjytj 2 car carport, no pets, $1200 His xao. 5 bdrm.
yard svc $1595 946 8709 eve 456-Roorra Furnished Kallua, 1620 st wrok up door. $1 10'sf 1020 si upstairs, 654sl Avail now 262-5766 Avail 111 HJ9 284 bath. $1995 Norm Nuttw (HA) KANEOHE new Pohakaa Pt nonsmoker, pod, sauna, tennis, greal view, $600. 236-7592 eves. 487-7932 day MAKIKI.
Cool, quiet large duplex sludio, prkg $695 Charier Properties 955-1577 KAILUA LANIKAJ 4 bdrm 4W 0TOMk3 ueora rj o. Mitra WAIPAHU Village Park 52, oatn exec, home $2950mo. (iruu Avail, now ALIWA HTS 31. utils. incl AAA Waikiki Expoaure, Kalakaua Ave 3000 sq ft $2 00 NNN per mo Baron T.
Mizusa-wa (RA) Herbert K. Honta Rlty Inc 846 2268 iviaua. Ltd 254 3320 AAA KAPtOLANI DATE. bus to Waikiki. Pnv.
rm. $120 wk up. 9-5 30, 943869; 734-3787 Al Martin Assoc 6239029 vmw. 2 carport, naw paint MAKIKI duplex, aludio cottage. $675 No prkg Ph 927 2588 or 947-0071 MAPUNAPUNA 21,850 al paved lot $0 50 per at incl 6000 st whse.
1300 sf ofc al no additional cost Walty Nagao(R) CBI, mc 942 7100 KANEOHE, own roombath, washdry. fully fum. $650 md. utils dep 235-8696 KAILUA Ige 21 duplex. $1 100 utile.
Clean Maahriru $i3uo sai-wjju. rM-rm WAIPAHU 3 BORM 1 BATH $1000MO. PH. 671 6026 lud wnnuW Tit 4JQC a tr ALEWA (Lower) 2167 Mahalo AAA SHARED APTS from $95 wk util incl. Kilchen avail 523 8180.
94 Mon Fn. 9-2 Sat IJICOa, O- IU 10AM-6PM St. jt ieuu, ya svc. ind Ame Heine Proleasionaj Blog 360 sq ft space Cv prkg. Ph: 734-0256.
284640 THE PERFECT COMBO! WAIPIO MAKIKI HOTS Iga. refurbished 22, exel view, carport, yd sve $1950 671-7807 KaHua spacious, snmac 32v Kaneohe penthouse 32, use of 34' sail boat Yacht Club, pod, view. $550 235-2284 Jerry Chmg Realty 531-4884 WAIPAHU 3 BORM 1 BATH. ige carpeted rem rm, drapes, Waialae Avenue Ground Floor Space 300 sq ft $625 NNN Ph. 951-5152 ALfWA SPACIOUS 33, QUI $1000MO PR 671-6026 10AM8PM.
AAAA TOWN MAKIKI. new rooms wbed retng $110 upweek. 537-4757; 734-3787 ET. 2 CAH GAR. WASHDRY, Kan iia airiu, 1 MAKIKI.
Spacious 2 bdrm cottage, prkg AvaM now $900 Call Percy 528-4670, 531-1 134 KANEOHE room 44 town-house, erkg 4 utrl md $475. Tufioe Properties 5261332 AIRPORT CENTER turnkey of hces 300 1300 sq II. Other spacea to 7000 sq It Real Prop Svc Corp 836-2326 NO rt lb 1MU0 59O-2640 Lowest priced studio in Waipiol Senous seller has priced this ground tlr end unit w'courtyd to sell fast! Take advantage ot our value today's low interest rates1 (FS) mlsNfrV Karen I Wmton (R) 395-4992. 395-7522 $147,800 Waloehu 31 Vt. kitchen $900 $650 mcl utils wsshdiy Call 3 bdrm.
2 balh, kitchen, nr ALL ereaasiespnces 3 bdrm uf appi. lo snow fjpp-244 AIEA. Specious rooms, utils mcl, washdry. prkg. cable, phone $500 $600 486-9486 MANOA ground level 2 bdrm, ecnoovoua $1200 841-4979 480-VVarehouses Leeward $900 Windward $950 KANEOHE share lovely home with mellow people, quiet dean Only $485 2399822 KAILUA 31, Ige yard, no pets, dj oenmg, pmg no pets, ALA MOANA nr Gem.
1272 sf AC. prkg $1at NNN 847 5651 ok. 4883553 res WaspalMi 4 bdrm wspkt level 988-4626 avail 121 $11 Town S9UU Open 7 days 979-7900 Hometocatora tee iuou laraga, oood Darkmo gar Ige $1200rl ext. upgraded. cuHle sac.
2 mo tv msg 239 2970 CHINATOWN 1022 Kekaukka St WAIALAE AVE Rooms $325mo No prkg 941 9094 car gar For appt 487 7338 A CLEAN 2600 WTOILET, CEMENT BIOCK FACADE, ROLL UP, HIGH CUBE PRKG AVAIL. NNN $1 11. MANOA immac. 31 Vs. 2 prkg Yard svc.
No smokingpets $1730 Kuroman (R) 537-6007 Keneohe 3 bdrm Tnhse share wl, washdry, prkg $525 util 9566971; 236-0484 KaHua 31 Ige den. yard COZY country cottage only $460 or Nuuanu laundry $725 WsWo Gentry 32. tarn, rm cv Drka Datio. S14sn 9'W-rwxl Homelocators lanai, 2 car gar $1400, avail Savw Realty, Lid 942 9477 OUfctNS REALTY 841-4848 KAILUA AVAILABLE 111 REFERENCES NEEDED 262-0391, LEAVE MESSAGE 1116 Stan Koki(R) 235-8511 i MANOA Ige 42, oceanmtn mew, carport, washdry $2000 ERA NewhaM Realty 941-0540 MAKAKILO rm avail, pod $360 or $480 utrl Female pref Barbara 672 9019 Olamond Hd Puu Panini 32, gdn pets $2500 737-0352 Puplanty 737-5509 A prime 1914 and 2600 sq ft high cube, rollup $1 $1 50 BISHOP ST AMFAC TOWER Full floor. 3.000 sq ft 11.357 sq ft (can be demised).
Available tmmed Generous tenant improvement allowance. Abundant parking. Craig Nakamura (R) 111 Marcus 4 Aasoaatea. Inc. frf KAILUA 42.
Ige en doaed family room, 500-KAILUA 4 Walplo Oenlry clean 3 5C0-AJEA 9 prxg uueens Heaity 84 1 -4848 yard needs work bdrmz bath All appl Garage. No pets $1325 mo KAILUAHillcrest pnv. rm bath, non-smoking person, kilch privilege $450 261-4483 Diamond Head cotlaoe. avail aiouu uaB won 522 1119 MANOA Oahu Ave. Spacioua 42 (upstairs), yd svc $1475 Joseph Lau Realty 5336304 MAKAKILO view, partly turn, utils.
responsible person, $450mth dep 672-4863 able lor rent. $1350'mo. CaN Avail, now! Frank Leslie (R) 2248080. 4568080 eves ERA HANDYMAN SPECIAL 4 26 apacioua home lor only $269,000 (L) MLS 40277 Whalen Properties 261 1712 A 1 Central Park 1000 2000 sl hi cubecleanamens Free renlnego 247 7521,235 2286 KAIMUKI aa 2 bdrm duplex 922-1465 or B41-7641 CONCEPTS UNLIMITED KAILUA rm. lor rent, kitchen util nr.
bus slop 4 beach. $400 262-6873 00 con Bro bdrm S1200 979 7900 Homelocalors lee S39-7444 Olamond Head cottaoe Manoa Vancouver PI 31 1. all appinaw carpelyd svc $1700 Thomas Properties 973-3300 MAKIKI-Exd tropical pooiside. renovated. 21 wPvt phone lanai, $545 PH 531421 Walplo Gentry 32.
new pamt, toft, renovated, $1575 KAIMUKI All new 31, 2089A AA WAIPIO new whse 6 lin-rshed spaces 1100 sl ea 'roll up $1 NNN JJ Rlty 523 3790 Dolman Assoc mc 522 7111 great tamiry homer S120U LOCATIONS MUST Large home 32, extra room, landscaped, fenced in, most convenient area. Easy to show, lock box. $380,000. FEE. Charlotte "Ruste" Serhant (RA) 262-7002 HONEY JEAN KATSARSKY REALTOR 395-0051 Bishop Si.
Century Sq 431 12 lovely ocn 21 an. prkg 400' $750 Shubert Prop 373818 KAINALU Park home 4 bed rooms3 baths, large lot pool $689,000 (FS) 261 3314 BRADLEY PROPERTIES ltd KAIMUKI lge rm, own entry bath, nr bus, mcl utils, cable, $650 dep 734-5189 eves ruin Ave. i2uo. Alexandra-Zachary Real Estate 951 175 PROPERTY MGMT 531-1363 MANOA Woodlawn Terrace PI 33. new carpetspaint.
$2750 Thomas Properties 973-3300 Maklkl Hts turn tux 1 bdrms $800 4 $500 Rent reduced for ydsectymktg 528-4242 DIAMOND HEAD- Prestigious Brand new custom KAIMUKI toe cool clean Walplo Gentry lovely, rmmac, home, a 2 baths. Century Sq approx 400 sq fl. w1 prkg $750 all inclusive. The Supreme Corp 536202 targe, secure J. enct Kaimukl Nr bus.
kitchenbath Clean, non-smoker 1306 13th Ave 737-0323. 577 4294 bdrm 2V, bath, washerdryer, storage, oar no yard work AT AT BUILDING 179 Sand Is land Access Rd across Irom Kilgo's. 1st time avail Jan 93 6,500 sf AC otlces. 17,500 af. warehouse.
Can be divtd ed. Courtesy to brokers HANSON REALTY 942-0888 pool, Jacuzzi, wet bar. central ac, all appls. European avaM 111 $1430 625 MANOA 32 brand new $1850. no pets.
Doug Huffman (R) 524-3097 Huffman a Drake MAKIKI nice apt. poolgym, oceancity views, wash'dry. on busline $550 536-9888 $1750 Lani Properties kitchen. WJMJ mo. utile Wllhetmma Rlae 21 attached ori-uuni, 40tvtX)l4 pool maint No pets Rets req.
CENTURY SQUARE Large corner unit, view, new carpel, wallpaper, parking $950. Bradley Properties 524 9484 MAKIKI private rm. $120wk Share rm $75wk. Nr bus, ulils md 942-4338 call 05pm apt. Coolquiet, $975 utils mcl Bradley Prop 524-9484 KAIMUKI LOE 32V DUPLEX.
Merroian rrop mc. MCCULLY 31v lanai. convenient to UHbushwy $1500 Real Prop Svc Corp 524-3240 MAKIKI rm 3 bdrm house, prkg. nr bus. ahr kvmgkilchen $450 dep 533 7601 nvau now uorolhy Stewart 'in DIAMOND HEAD S00-AINA HAINA TO KUUOUOU (3) ON THE LAKE Cool, private fee 4 2 bath.
Just remodeled. Cul-de-sac. Very motivated! $499,000. Hawaii Land Co. 263-4664 WILHELMINA RISE 32, spec BRAND NEW COMPLEX' 806 15.000 st Prkg sprinklei Halawa Cenler 486 9255 JL .) bdrm.
utils. no refria MILILANI tr.shry painted mte MANOA by UH, Ige room, utils. waahdry $475 mo Mortoka (B) 536-4662. 737-2370 Aau" $1 100 Investment tacular view. $22507mo.
Theresa 373-3731, 732 5505 KAIMUKI I RF 1 Unou 1 DILLINGHAM either 190 400 sq It or 2000-4000 sq It Reasonable rents Nice bldg JANCO REALTY 944 13703 MANOA rm 31 vegetarian house, view, prkg laundry $525 mcl utils 988 2230 Prop 737B977 BATH, GAR, NO PETS, NR nor ana exterior, ige 4 bdrm, shows ttke a model, win consider long lease $1650 ERA JOY REALTY, INC 487 9925 CENTRAL PARK, HALAWA 3025 sq tt starting at 85C ALOHA HOMIS 941 8711 duo rj.yujo Wllhelmlne 3797 Sierra Dr 3 bdrm. $1300 utMa mcl Short dolman Leeward Makakilo3'2 carport, fenced yard $1200, KAIMUKI nice 21. lenced MAUNALANI HTS. own rm. Ige home, view, avail now $5l5mo Ph 735-7554 MCCULLY Fum Rooms wkly rales $1 10 4 up, aec*nty dep.
$200 Mm lease req 3 mos Upon availability Call 949 1223 trom 93 term No pets CENTURY 21 Ron Nakatsu Realty 533-7061 Downtown Best space avail rutty equip real estate otc. Hm Chaj Lau Realty 524121 avail iii yd. 2 prkg. close to UH and Mllllenl A Paloto 3 bdrm $1250 MOANALUA 32, nr stadium. Charminadeshoppmg.
No DUUngharn Blvd 3620 I 904 olc Excl. location, clean. York 4 Co Inc 832 0010 GIGANTIC SALE! Rim lot 19 on HAWAII LOA RIDGE $1,100,000. 36.053 s.f. R-20.
Nomura Real Estate Hawaii. Inc. Thomas Muller (Rl (8081 532-1230 or fax (808) 532-1234 KaiiuaSbdrm $1975 Makaha 2 bdrm $1100 737-1723 fenced yd. $1250 487 5242 pets nao shs 3H28 MCCULLY rm 2 bdrm apt Convenient loc $450 dep. Avail 111 947-6823 days DOWNTOWN Century Square 400 st makai $8S0mo Hiron-aka Rlty 538 3788.
949 7505 EWA BEACH DUPLEX KAIMUKI Paloto clean 2 hdrm 420rHghboflslaTXfi MILILANI 2 yrs new. Ige 42 Talk to Me Trade' Creative Financing' Option' Sensa tional Country Club Knolls 43 (FS). Could be 2 Fam.iy All new Julie Coeiho (HA) GHI 262 29112611712 Whalen Propertiea McCULLVWaihiki clean pnv rm $125wkup: Dbl $135 wk up 947 5658 943 8869 BORM 1 BATH. NO PETS collage New paintcarpet DILLINGHAM 1500 SO FT WAHE HOUSE. 841 3611.
531 7734 Avail now $900 6893294 KONA Hittcrest Oni Om St 31 waikiki Hlfy 949 1 199 $1675 incl yd svc 623-0004 MilUant maslerbdbath in 32 hse ydlanai nonsmk washdry gar, 2 people OK 625-0622 houae. Ige fenced yard. 2 car DOWNTOWN Century Square 400 aq fl Prkg AC $850 26th ft Avail 111 988 2822 Iraiuiiiri i EWA BEACH nice 2 bdrm MILILANI 3 bdrm 1vt bath. iutQi 1 gar appia tuuu i-j-i24 MOANALUA quiel. clean retngrmcrowaveuhls Female preferred $425 839-4617 beachfront $1450 Avail now tjiy, tnt ixiia.
ni ous util QA4 I7A1 T17nT AT 2 car prkg apace, $1000 md utils 622 2943 Leeward Really 689 7936 FREE STANDING Whseolc FOR LEASE on COLBURN ST 3655 st whse w826 st 2nd ft otc BobTanakamc (R) 949-4111 Downtown Chinatown 300-4000 sf. 2nd hi ceil trigs IW Enterprises 545-7816 MILILANI 32 nice PROF home, no smokdrmk. nr shopbusH2 Fwy $500ul 521-4711. eve 623 6891 Neal Ear Beech waterfront 31 Vj, KAIMUKI WMnelmina Rise 2i MILILANI 3 bdrm 2 bath, 2 ShnSm NUUANU YMCA rooms, daily rate. Wkly.
by appt. Upon avail 1441 Pak Hwy 536-3556 rfresh paint, no pets $1350 tower duplex, washdry. $1 150 GREAT VIEWSI MUST SELL! MAKE OFFER' Fee lots C61 $429 000 220 $395 000 Ann Morgan (RA) 261-6447 HAWAII LOA REALTY 11 377-5412 car garage, fenced Avail now $1350 PH 2355302 Affordable level lot pnme area (FS) priced at $250,000 Realty Partners Inc 642 0900 utrl ATM Realty 955-1331 mew utils No pels 735-8856 AIEA Twnhae. Female seme, DOWNTOWN CPB, 15th fl DH view Otcsecty station Avail immed Negotiable EWA BEACH 3 BDRM ffPi KAIMUKI 21. down MOANALUA VALLEY NR KAISER $440 INCL UTIL QUIET NON SMKR 833 7362 MILILANI 32 5.
Ige master nonamkr, nr. buslineshopp. ctr $500 md um 487 8430 TOWNMAKIKI very clean private rms $i25up weekly PH. 734-3787, 520187 BATH, CLOSE TO BEACH I stairs unit, no smokers HALAWA Clean Htcube Whse 5969 sl. Low.
Extra Low Rent MART1WILEI 876sl grnd fl otcretarl w959st mezzanme KALIHI KAI Hcube 4 Prtg 800ai6.000 sl $Vsl NNN More listings wanted' Rodney bdrm, quwt area $1600 Monarch Properties 735-0100 KAIMUKI BRAND NEW 3 Bdrm 2'4 Balh Duplei (FS) Property Cenler 521 1295 $1300 MO 689-0542 pets $975 utils Paul Cleen lemaiesame share Maeda (R) 672 3555. 73550 DOWNTOWN Fort St nice 700 St ac. prkg avail $805 NNN AA Mgmt 533 4232, 263-0221 EWA BEACH 3 bdrm, pool, MILITARY housing ass all Mollllli 21 apt turn Own room, utile, washdry. $500 dep Responsible 941 8066 bath, own room, retng. $375.
Queen Rlty 521-1180 r-inance Realty lenced yard, avail now. $1600 457-Rooms Unfumbried Hawaii Loa Rldga vacant lot. 8476 sl. views, mis 41921 egacy Prop Lid 455 5594 Kea mi St. 7804 sq ft Possible 2 units $535 000 MIS new Charles Luama (R) 7355755 oases an sizes Dorm oio 979 7900 Homelocators lee Z24-351B, 6729SZ2 KAIMUKI 31 upstairs.
2 prkg KAILUA 2 bdrm in 3 bdrm Kawamoto (H) 93 ofc stuns, sman vara waier townnouse. femalesame, EWA Soda Creek 4 bdrm 2 N. SHORE Pupukea VI New NIU 1 rm 4 bdrm hse. quiet, view, tamify sett g. nonsmkr $500 util 3732050, 4pm Avail 111 $1200 737 5320 bath.
2 car gar washerdryer. LILIHA 1 bdrm In 5 bdrm house Nr busline 4 shopping ctr Call alter 6pm 521-2229 Downtown Kukut Plaza commercial mall Ground fir. 900 SF ole retail Exec, ofc, kilch-enfile room Mam otc carpet, phone, unltd customer prkg Longshort lease 531-6803 pool, tennis $475ea utile, mcl Avail ll'l 262-4604 NEW Listing Open Sun 25 3480 Leahi 43, 2 lamily Irving. 3 yrs $575,000 (FS) 737 -4024 quiet, deck, carpet, wasn. $895 OMNI 7378492 NIU Peninsula remodeled 3 2, pvt pool spa $675,000 (FS) MLS 38176 Listor'owner Eovmo Assoc Inc 524-6142 i5uu Kean Krop brv-nii KAIMUKI 7th Ave Ige.
42V Makafcllo ocn. view, pool, EWA West Loch 32 a NUUANU Bdrm 3 bdrm2 bath home, cool, incl util non smoker $525 595391 NANAKULI 2 bdrm duplex, big carpei. wu, fenced yd. no pets Avail 10'14 '900-1 u-tils HTH Prop Mgmt 949 5756 $1575 appl, water, park, golf Mllllenl rm. in townhse, wash dry, cable, phone $380 utils Avail.
111. 623-9176 HALAWA 1780 sl mcl ac olc, roll up dr Move in now $2200 486-0297, 261 0100 wasnan, malesame, nr bus. $350mo -f dep 672 9062 SOO-KAUHI-PALAiVA yaro Mrs and bdrm duplex, big yard $975 Call 668-8576 91-1012 Potolia 671 3896 NIU Peninsula 2 island living (FS) mls37846 Listor'owner Ann Grubb Rlty 949-5996 DOWNTOWN mix use busres unit spacious loft bdrm EXECUTIVE Centre 522 6268 Kaimukl 737 2lsl Ave Clean 3 MakakHo share new 22 ocean NUUANU forest wilderness, spacious home wpro. nr town HALEIWAWaialua 3 bdrm 1 to NIU 4 bdrm. 3 bath.
Ige yard view twnhome wtemale bdrm 2 bath, 2 car gar no bath, carport, im yd no pets FEE 42, separate entrance. Ige lot, fruit trees Elaine Jay Realty 523 8558. 373 1923 own bath, $650 395278 mo peis Taio svc a water pets 750 Hh 524 7444 same-owner $550 672-91 79 469-Storei iiuumo orj -rtfio eves mcl $2000mo 373 9515 WATERFRONT Nrly 1(2 ac! Make Otter' Fee Simple Chris Friese Assoc 946 2266 PACIFIC HEIGHTS Large rm KALIHI duplex 31 uostairs DOWNTOWN OFFICES Union Plaza on Union Mall 450 1000 sq It Individual oflic-es $1 95gtos8 Ph 548-5190. HAWAII BUSINESS PARK PEARL CITY 2380 ft plus 3710 It concrete tilt-up warehouse with ottce, loading, plus parking Call. Charles Wu (R) HALEIWA 1 BDRM 1 BATH NO.
SHORE large 33, family MANOA prkg. nr. UH, turn, bdrm. $600 utils. non-smok-mg, femalesame 947-1512 vacant, gas inci Krkg ST2UU.
lanat. view, wasrvary, prkg. md $750 utHS 533-6077 DUPLEX, $700 AVAIL. NOW Fronting School Ahiahi Sis 2 lots 9593 sq ft FEE $650,000 STAR Rlty 533 7522 rm sauna, Jacuzzi, rvo pets A ground fl. high cube Sand Island new 11 10 a ac, prkg Queens Realty 8414848 rroi tsie rvigmt 520 JQ2Q Eicel Realty Hawaii 943 2013 1 yr lease $1650 638 5522 5C0-PIAM0ND HEAD (2) PEARL CITY OWN RM EN KALIHI PALAMA 2 BDRM 1 Downtown 1200 st.
2 prkg, $1695. Urban Mgmt. 524-2731 HALEIWA 2 bdrm beachfront NO. SHORE Waialua 1 bdrm. BATH, PRKG.
$800 TRY, SHARE KITCHENBATH $450 4555292. 455529 PEARL CITY MaleSep bath $500 Adeline Ichmo (R) 486-4922487 1566 Honta Rlty $1000 No pets Lease Call HURRY' GULICK AVE 6bdrm Sep entrances $415,000 (FS) CENTURY 21 LEWIS 233 7000 PH 927 71. 3955958 duplex, quiet area, garden. No pets $750 947 1827 Nofa Dr Ige estate Views. Pool.
Tennis Make Offer Patricia Choi Rlty. Inc 531 7531 621 7093 637 8929 4 Wagner Wagner XJ7 526-0896 A Quality RESTAURANT SPACE IN WARD CENTRE 1.980 SqFt Call Victoria Ward Ltd 531 64ti PEARL CITY rm new 3 Kalthl 1813 Colburn St 4.1 SALT LAKE Country Club Pla HAUULA OCEANFRONT NUUANU (Lower) new. spa DWNTWN 4664 7300 st. 612 exec otcs wlge coot rm 4 reception Karen Taniyama (R) 522 5991 Sofos Really Corp Slorane ennv Inrxb S17V1 za, 22. temaiesame, $575 bdrm duplex, own both, prkg, nr bus $400 455-6964 Eve bdrm 2 balh water mcl $1075 500-KANEOHE-KAHAUJU 4) cious.
21 duplex, washer, Real Prop Svc Corp 524 3240 md utHprkg 839 1532 Robert Beck (Hi dba Bob 500-EWA 9) dryer, 2 prkg $1300 5953673 IWILEI warehouse office 2000 sq ft Hi cube roll-up Excl location 6 prkg 524 0522 PEARL CITY 1 rm. 3 bdrm KAM HGTS 1741 Kealia Dr Beck Healtors 293-8083 Wehtewe own rm, no-smoke drink, working dependable 3 1W basem*nt, view bus. NUUANU Luxury 12 2 prkg Galed pool water 1 yr $2375 HALAWA approx 1383 si or 2061 St. Good parking SI 'sf Comm to brokers 487 6787 home $325 md utils Male prel reliable 455-4166 U4IHUA 31 huarh ehnn yd svc $1600 536 7198 malesame 021-2429 mo sians mi 1 9T-Moo IWILEI 10 500 SF Incls 2 ea approx 4 000 SF Chill boxes edtoining yd space 848-0988 post ore. gas m'ito oep A.
C1T Truir FEE simple 5233 St. 4 bdrm 2 balh home, goll course in back, rooted area of 2470 sf. Mis 44947 Buddy Gendrano Heaity. Inc 8J3 1226 PEARL CITY 32 twnhse Pvt KAM HTS Keaba duolex 3. WAIALAE hberal malesame CUSTOM eec pole hse 3.2 beaulrtul 11 guest quarters Dramatic ocean view, extensive lush tropical gardens, de tached 2 car gar.
wood firs, tile. Jorgensen steel root many upgrades Owner Fee $549 000 Courtesy 2395101 NUUANU 1 2 prkg wash washer, gar utils incl S1300 bath. prkg. washer Musi love animals $495 4565725 Hawaii Kel Amahou. waier Own rm Clean, Quiet No drugsdrunks 734-0565 Doug ory.
ya svc rvo pets UUKS! JONtS PROPS 973 4642 HAWAII KAI CORP PLAZA Fully built -out ground floor office wgood visibility 1.305 sq ft Avail Immed Selwyn Set" King (RA) 9734541 tionl- yard service. 3 bdrm area i4b pn b9? 191 AAA AVAILABLE AieaShpg Plz. 1043-5296' Bougamvitie (by Costco) 1600 20000' Discovery Bay 1000 3000 Ddphm Plz Kihei 687' Harbor Crt 120 9180' Kakaako (Queen St 5795 Kapotei 1450 3000 Kuakini Clr Kona 600 8000' Mililani Twn Clr 990 20000 Nahua St'Kuhw Ave 1567' Waikele Ctr 2500-25000' 250 Ward Ave 3254 Kalakaua Ave 2800' IWILEI 2 blocks from King Sl 1500 al 350 sl ac olc 3048 sl warehouse with or without 3663 sl olc 8484988 PEARLRIDQE own rm prkg KAM Terrace 3 bdrm duplex -2'Tlh $2000 536 8619 PACIFIC HEIGHTS fabulous palio, nr rxis shops no pets avail Non-smoker $350 VS utils Carl Iv msg Large beautilul home lor expanded tamrly. 4 2 totally renovated Spacious lenced yard Inqe Hiqa (R) 689 6913 KON TIKI RlfALTY 689 7974 HAWAII KAI Anchorage. Ige to Share 'AX) 4l 231 alter 5pm home 3 levels, 180 view of downtown and ocean trom every level Incredible master eec nome.
e-j. pool, spa atjOOmo mcl vd 'cool svc PEARLRIDQE lownhouse. KANEOHE aa spooky 23 KAKAAKO prime space. 700 2500 sq ft Super clean Victotia Ward Ltd 5316411 AIEA a clean comfortable turn lop Rlty 395 0860 395 7728 bdrm starting trom SB50 own rm $400 dep Avail tmmed 524 7878. 487 6796 Creek 2 1.
2 car oar room, adiacent to busshop $575. utils mcl 4840153 y9 HLiu Homelocators fee suite, hotlub. wslk-m closets study 4 5 bdrm 4 bath. loft. 2 car enclosed naraoe Avail HAWAII KAI DR 3 bdrm EXCEPTIONAL NEW HOME VALUE Roomy 3 or 4 bdrms Upgraded firs counters, cabinets Fine leatures thruout Private.
(FS) lots baching preservation From $435 000 Neil Pemberton (R) 239 5705 Barbara Dor Prop 235 1500 Cui de sac. morel $252 000 (FS) Veterans Realty 625 1991 PUNAHOU FURN RM A 42 Kaneohe Ahuimanu Rd Two 3 McCOHMACK RfcAL ESTATE HAWAII KAI 1597. 1280 or 1140 si Finished Courtesy Kemper Real state 395 2331 balh. lease 1 700 mo Martin KAKAAKO $1 15 net great ground tlr location. 3750 sl.
wotc 4 4 prkg 545 5005 now $3450olfer Sherlock bdrm 2' bath, brand new Rentals 926-0589 HSE WASHDRY $4 75 TAX AVAIL 111 PH 947 9676 Alee across Pearlndoe 1 bdrm in 3 bdrm house, immed $400 -F dep utils 4886155 Homes Realty 254 2770 homes fenced. 2 car cv DCB COMMERCIAL 521-1200 Hawaii Kel Hahaione 32 new SCO-HAWAII (BIG ISLAND prkg $1500 ea Water yard PACIFIC HTS $1200 4 $1350 SALT LAKE own bdrm 21 carpet'ceramic tile, yd $1750 KALIHI KAI FOR STORAGE ONLY 450 SF. 8' CEILING $700 841-0944 svc inci sunshine Prop Uolman Assoc Inc 522 7111 Quiet 31 3lVk trees gai view No pets 377 5976 apt. Non-emoker. $425 utils 'dep 639-4977.
833 9564 AIEA bdrm available 111 home wview $550 deposit, util mcl 486-5063 Hawaii Kai 3 mos FREE RENT wlong term lease. 3033 f. prime otc. space Turnkey Lorraine Faithful (RA) 261 4677 Huffman Drake Hawaii Kel Kamikxki 32 end KANEOHE BAY DRIVE Pelolo Ave 1346. Iqe 32'- 8ALT LAKE 2 BDRM.
2 ACRE LOTS FLEXIBLE TERMS 18 MILES FROM HILO FEE 4 Buy Call 4 Into. Henry Medtord Inc (B) 941 7047 or 284 4221 nar treahtv namted SlhhO NEW attached homes 3 bdrm 2v? balh, quality thruout. (FS) pneed Irom $344,000 Neil Pemberton (R) 239 5705 Barbara Dor Prop 235 1500 AIEA- master bdrm bath 3 KALIHI whse 3069 sqfl 585 sq ft. mezzanine office, reslroom, parking 648-5190 BDHM 2 FULL BATH, $1650 wash-dry. 2 carport SIOUU.
BATH, NON SMOKER. $525 FIHSTDEP 833-4874 MAIKAI RE AL TV 396 6200 MO JAR 537-691 1 uavia laxusni (H) 94 22 bdrm house Lge. bright, airy, turn tv $590 488 0088 HAWAII KAI KULIOUOU RD INTERSTATE BLDG So King St 656 SI $1475mo GET Eastpac Realty Corp 946 7478 KANEOHE Charming 2 bdrm PALOLO 21 Duplex. Carpel. 1 ST.
LOUIS HTS share 3 bdrm AAA AVAILABLE ALA MOANA 7128' ground fl KAILUA 1420' restaurant HAWAII KAI 3100 walertront restaurant. KAPAHULU-3445' hi visability KIHEI RESTAURANT 6400' shopping center pad NIU VALLEY Shopping Clr pad site 8540 Long term PEARL CITY 918' fish mklresl 4'2, 2 car carport new wash- KALIHI 4900 whse 800 sf otc, price reduced 754 I2C REALTY 523-1566 i 'r oatn on water, private, Utils incl nr school w1 other View, turn, laundry, util mcl $800 734-8853 500-KUALOA-KAHUKU5 er'oryer i.ty5 COUNTRY setting nr Pahaa town, 1008 st 2'1. 1 ac Power, paved $74,600 (FS) Ame Heine Lge turn hse, pod. quiet rm. male nonsmkr prel, $450 uM dep373-201 5 now yard service si uo bus.
no pets, $950 732 1810 Interstate Bldg 1314 King UtlMIS HtAt 1Y 247-or HAWAII KAI Kul.ouou 4 3 ST. LOUIS HTS 2 BDRMS PEARL CITY'Momilant Ige. up FEE SIMPLE 4 lot sub division is lano wide Assoc Konert KANEOHE waiehouseoltice' storage spaces Available Ot 4tn lit MUU sq tt 2 25 sq It 521 8777, 595 3801 4000sf house. Vt acre land KANEOHE clean 3 1 patio, on white sand beach in Laie Luckey (RA) 1 965-7100 AVAIL $600 EACH. INCLS UTILS 2358014 graoea oarm.
oam. lanai, new carpel. $1375 488 6732 yd pool svc $2800 395 6460 AINA HAINA 1 sr bath. $490 incl utils Can 528 0999 leave msg now Ph 949-4754 fenced yd. no pets $1200 IWILEI 2 blocks Irom Kmq SI HAWAII POWER CENTER- 28.000 sq It $1,150,000, Owner 737-7807 KAPOHO Beach Lot.
$52,000 IMt HtAllT 524 JbbV HAWAII KAI Ige cozy 3 bdrm 3663 sq tt New refurbished KANEOHE 2250 4 4500 sf Hi PEARL CITY Pabsadea 31 5. 2500 -20 000 oft price retail STADIUM Marl fum rm hse. LEILANI Estates 1 ac $18,000 Kaneohe exec iqe 33. views. ofc.
ac. prkg 848-0988 newiv renovated, cool. $1150 cube, prkg, roll up otc(. ctr anchored by 5am Club AIRY apt. Puunm Own rm.
2 closets, bath No smokedrink i Dam. solar yard, fishpond no pels $1395 Ph 3955540 wash, phone, cable, prkg etc $550 dep 4877640. 531 5677 McGnm Co BILL RAMSEY INC 4B7-87O0 mezz ru (MnuUtT 500-MAKIKI-TANTALUS pvt. enci garage. ieu.
Avail fl drugs $600 dep 5953625 llO bI44-MAJ HAWAII KAI Mariner Cove KONA OHANA Can Beat KAHALA Professional Bldg 360 sq ft across Kanala Mall 734-0255. 2840640 PEARL CITY Palisades 3 bdrm HtAHL-tillY HLAA94 to 4 350" Greet visibility UNIVERSITY 867 1520' high visibility traffic WAHIAWA 1 bdrm, reliable. KIKOWAENA SI 13,612 sf whse incl 1896 st otcs, 15 Aniious seller Ma Mars' Kaneohe fabulous view Thist (FS) 8 5, .63 acs. Conve 2 bath 2 car oar $1250 quiet nonsmoker Refs $325 beauteul 43 waterfront w'vd svc yr lease $2300 Sam Aleera Hte rm evarl in cod 3 bdrm home View 10 mms to town $520 Non smkr 596-2925 New Mice ys uuovurrer it 3) bdrm-flott. Lihikai Dr $1800 NE WTOWN REALTY 487 7271 dep utils md 621 5823 ment.
spectacular ocean view, tropical garden Income Waikiki 700 grnd Itr hlraffc prkg sprinklered rjfcll, inc Walk Nagao (R) 942-7100 Reader (RAi Prudent tnvee Mk3 pec inrl Realty 533 270 1 York Co BJ20UI0 KAKAAKO AC. carpeted, 374 at 809 sf 4 3122 si WAIMANU ASSOC 537 3159 PEARL CITY Palisades 32 WAIALAE IKI Quiet, mature tors East Oahu Rlty 397 2025 afl WW MONROE prop sb uw i SM dr Okie (ear down cond 3 bdrm KANEOHE Haiku Plantations WAlAKAMILO 6525 sl whse For sale, short lease $950 minded, pvt 11, Hvrng rm. ocean view 946-5762 home wfour 1 bdrm units 3 FRIEDLANDER, INC Hawaii Kel Queensgaie 32 ALEWA Lower 11. lanai. view, quiet, utrla, prkg.
No pets $600 Leave msg 595-608 LIKE NFW 3.3 two Acs Oak 33. new paint. 1 acre lot BILL RAMSEY INC 487 8700 2035 sl otc, 2000 sl mez (FS) W50 000 mis 43299 Ige home. yd. 2 car gar fefjiju $2 250 395-2491 easier Rlty 524-2666 zanine 15 prkg Wally Nagao firs A cabinets, bay window $134 000 (FS) 1 966 6081 Ken PEARL CITY PaMades Iqe Wt ST WOOD PROP WAIKIKI apis lo share, I blk Uolman Assoc mc S22 111 (M) tv.
inc y42 MUU KANEOHE Haiku PlantalKms private 31 5. end tenet, yard AAA prime relax stores 250 Flood (R) Puna Coast Prop Inc ROUNO TOP 2357 Ama Lent KAKAAKO 1300 st 3 Iree prkg slans. ideal location nr to town $1 80 net 545 5005 KAKAAKO Cooke St 203 936 sqlt $1 10 sq ft CAM Waikiki Rlty 949 1 199 to beaen. clean, from siuuv wk WBS 923 9566 737 1755 DH-balh. prkg.
view, washdry, non smoke, female pref $595, Vr utils Ave 111 922-0977 HAWAII KAI spacious 4.2 5. Panoramic ocn view. 3 bdrm WAIPAHU 782. 1348'. 2346.
600 at $495 up md elec Plenty service mciuoea 1 1 rxnj BILL RAMSEY INC 487 6700 oar water yard svc mcl 2 bath $2ti00mo Daugh 3128 3910 6040'. Phillip prkg Asia Mail 02 1 juao WAIMEA new home 3 bdrm 2 bath Mauna Kea view, great WAIKIKI lge turn rm view, own Contemporary Award Winning 4 7 bdrms 3 baths, panoramic view FEE Simple' MLS 42636 $1800 Bradley Prop 3950077 ters (R) 261 9111. 262 9898 Kuchler (H) 024-Hr AL (7325) PEARL CITY 3 AAAA retail space 92 sf 5985 value wjo uuu i hbj imm BDRM i $1200 remgmtcro. wasnary. female prel $600 md utrl 924 883 DH KAHALA Lge fum home.
own rm baltvdenentrycovd prkg $900 mcl util 734 8515 HAWAII KAI Spinnaker Isle 32 Kaneohe Kahaluu Ala his BATH, PRKG 486 1568 si fcxd. exposure to Dillingham Blvd part ot GEM Kapa wrdock lease $150 Secluded New 3-2'1, $2000 KALIHI 419 Wsiakamilo Rd 2nd fir 740. 1032. 29S6 sq ft AC carpeted prkg 8480988 WHSE W.OFC 1.500 8 Assume or poss renegotiation ol lease. VERY reasonable space central Kalitu 842 1573 WAIKIKI Ige 22 apt wash Conley Dew Lid 524 2844 Avail 111 8395207 atter 5pm WAIMEA 10 ACRE RANCH SITE Rare 10 acres of lush pas Hdrm 4 pvt bath in lama Service Hlty 521-6511 PEARL CITY 32 duplex, quiet 500-iVIULANI TOWN (9 ory.
pool 03U. met uts phone 9265214 Iv msg Kaneohe Kahaluu woodsy 3 HAWAII KAI Triangle area. 3 lanai. cva carport, fenced 32 house. 1 blk from beach, no smoke $684 922 7028 lure lands only minutes trom Aiee Shopping Center now be mg renovaled Retail spaces.
bdrm balh. centra) ac. No pets. $1200 Call 531 1053 KALIHI 429 WAlAKAMILO Of FICF HF TAIL 2000 SO FT PARKING 848-0988 bdrm 2 bath redwood home $1100 Tiny 1 bdrm cottage Walklkl Royal Aloha 21 mstr yard svc $2500 JAR 537 691 1 Waimea Private, unobstruct ed views of Mauna Kea Buy Today For Tomorrow's Happiness! 350 1000 sqfl available PEARL CITY 32. end patio 490-MovtngStorage bdrm $625 wutrl Non smkr Avail 1V1 945 3701 eves uu rw oogs Mtns Diamond Heed Master Bdrm condo.
pooiprkgnr beach bus $600 md utrl 922 5418 August Call 531 3000 Hawaii Kel 22. carport, ige fenced yd, avail 111 $1250 No pels 488 3032. 488162 vd wasrvdrv. $1595 vd svc Kaneohe Kaiiua new 2 bdrm Fenced tor your ttveslock ready to build your dream home A one time opportunity BERET ANIA retail corner 1750 WAIKIKI Seeking Pro to share KALIHI 720 sq 1 1 office $1 20 NNN. terms open Also avail, retail spaces 193 CIM Properties 848 0891 $309,000 (FS) This low priced home can be yourai Great 3 bedroom with separate laundry Johnson Prop Mgml 735 3696 Downtown Hon Park Place duplex, 1 balh, yd svc $1150 ATM Really 955 1331 PEARLRIDQE ESTATES exec PVT SELF STORAGE BFST LOCATION IN TOWN STARTING FROM $12MO 521-6969 si.
greal exposure' Newly ren ovated. wotcs upstairs at ikekaoanoe Hancn 2'2 fentnoiise unnettevabie View $800 944 3068 HAWAII KAI 3 bdrm 2 bath 4 bdrm 2 bath, gardener. Luxury condo temeies pret $495mo Call 528 1637 eves Brokers Welcome $440,000 KANEOHE loe 21. nr bus. Pacific Acquisitions 734 2277 room, and a large family room too We re giving a lot but not $2000mo Ph (619)4813154 Lge denfamrly rm $1650 Re ally Five 955-3355, 638 5152 Big Island 1-885 2121 Walklkl 37th II rmbath.
turn scnoot'snop, no peis aiuou ENCHANTED LAKE KANEOHE 163 lo 247 sqfl Carpet. AC. $1sq ft Ph 949 4754 KAHALA COMMF. RCIAL CEN asking a tot Call today tor an Petal Town 2 $850 3 bdrms RM IN UTIL. mcl water prkg 262 2649 washdry.
secured bidg $675 mcl ulils 926 1947 TER 600 SF 1378 SF 1450 HAWAII KAI 32 lenced appointment! Cecilia LGE HOME $400-1 KEN 263-8616 500-HAWAII KAJ-POffTLOCK 3 Leeward $900 Windward $950 979 7900 Homelocalors fee SF. AA MGMT 533-4232 KANEOHE LGE 31, PVT patio, garage, yard service KAPIOLANI Hawn Lite Bidg Beckett (HA) 6232821 623 2550 eves MLS 37873 Wetmoneto nr beach, unturn LANE, WASHDRY. WATER 1JMS W49U114 jtro-42j EWA BEACH Fum rms 500 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE ONLY $230,000 Punehou small 21 duplex 192-1 1 306 sf $1 55 NNN HTr Prop Mgmt 949 5756 INCL $1350'MO 235 1052 rm Responsible person $385 ulils dep 259 9291 Kalkia. big office. 2432 st Par tial rental space also available 293 1583 or 261 7042 HeweM Loa Ridge, pvl 32 5 cov orko no smokinooets.
$305,000 (FS) $450 $500mo utils incl Cable TV. trig 6B9 7852 Fixer upper 3 bdrm 2 bath plus pool Fee available Call KANEOHE PARKWAY 3 bdrm yd svc, waier $775 946 1139 KAPIOLANI 1682 Kalakaua 3 Bedroom home in the WAIMEA BAY beach view 2 loaay to jvtoyiay wtam rm. decks, appl gar ocean view. $3500mo mcl poolyd tvewater Harbor Re- EWA BEACH Person lo share 2 bath, pool yard Avail 10 23 $1450 ERA Slot! 254 5558 PUNALUU OCEANFRONT 3 338 si $1 50 gross prkg ILC Int I 922 2002 bdrm hse $440. utils dep 638503.
fv msg planned community ol Mililani taar schools, shopping tree way access Why pay some BDHM. 2 BATH. $1375 Resi KAILUA Town Cenler 536 af 830 si. 982 sf 4 1060 si AA Management 533 4232 iity. inci 521-4140 swi-yyriB Kaneohe Pole house 4 bdrm 2 dential Resource 235 5B25 4 bdrm.
house, waterfront pool. Female preferred. $500 mo dep Util mcl. Call eve-rungs at 689 7837 Keeeumoku-Kspiolani Irom WAIPAHU 2 ROOMS. $350 4 HI KAI.
Kalama Valley, well bath, great view, yard svc $1600 Avail 1116 239 7249 SALT LAKE ALIAMANU Clean KAILUA WINDWARD TOWN 4 CALL US No need to call Honolulu to place your ad maintained 3 bdrm 2 5 balh. 2 $275 INCL UTIL 671 4536 EVES OR LEAVE MESSAGE 170 st or larger Start from $350'Mo CBI. Inc Jackson Nakasone (R) (PB) 942 7100 COUNTRY PLAZA Hamakua body else mortgage when you can pay your owrv? CaH tor an appointment now' Cecilia Beckett (RA) 623 2821 or 31 Duplex, 2 prkg. no pete $1050 521-8825, 488 1713 Foeter Village hse share Kaneohe Waihee 3 1 2 car Dr Prime retailoffice HAWAII KAI SPECIALS WUhetmlna Hise rm 3 bdrm 600 3000 sf 9461171 slory home, screened lanai family rm. quiet cul-de sac, tra storage $1600 WorraH McCarter 732-6495 gar $995 Clean, quiet, no pet KEEAUMOKU Square 711 batnkilwasnr, 2 bdrm attju 423-1045 5am 1pm or 7 11pm eves -miuo SALT LAKE upstairs 3'1 on these panes Tom Shinsalo Realty 537 4981 house Excl view, washdry.
prkg, $500 dep. 735710 HI LOA RIDGE Paradise toundl KEEAUMOKU SQUARE 711 convenient, washer, carve A HAWAII KAI exec home high Keeaumoku. 1096 1107 si. $1 75 sf NNN ac. carpet HTH Prop Mgml 949 5756 Kaneohe Waikane 42.
ocean utils mcl $1300 6766929 CALL Mediterranean villa 4'4 5 Ma testic views! $1,795,000 (FS) KAAAWA 32 bra deck, ocrv Keeaumoku St ground fl 31400 sf. $2 75 $3 25 NNN HTH Prop Mgmt 949 5756 on noge, prtvete DC-rm Dam $850 Ph 395 9007 front, washdryer Avail 111 $1700 ulils 239 9281 SALT LAKE 32v. $1300 mtn views, quiet, pvt ijrx MILILANI QUEENS GATE 3'2 den KING Center starter office 43 1 -Rfnuh Trade for Services UTILS INCL. NO SMOKERS mo Avail 1 11 259358 Goll Course view Lowest price HAWAII KAI Ige exec home, KANEOHE 21 duplex, prkg PETS AVAIL NOW 8390507 Cull( Cookr RniantUL lac Major retail corner. Ward Ave KAHALA Brand new kjury years' Don miss out1 1451 King St 405 si.
2nd fir AC, $1 40 si. NNN HTH Prop Mgml 949 5756 Carpenter (Pro) nonsmkr mat beautiful view, nonnmoker. $575 mo md utile 395 6468 623-2821 quiet clean $900 utils Bishop Trust 523 2287 Improved showrm. upstairs otcs. high vifMbikty.
nome. oarm cvt coin $494,500 (FS) WAIALAE NUI Reduced' Mol. Louie Hts toe 2 bdrm lanai. elf utile mcl. 100 Pearl Prop 677-1111 ure exen own fum rmbain house Hono rets 846396 pgr $2395 utile Can for app at Good cond 42 with many up Pscrftc Acquisitions 737 2822 KINQ nr Keeaumoku 2 oles HeweH Kel Ige rm 32 house KANEOHE 3 bdrm 1 balh du rj irji rvion rn oam pm vated sellers Spectacular Free rent for melure minded grades new paintcarpet (TS) $339 000 mis 45669 to our sales representative on your island.
HAWAII leilani Whittle, Consultant P.O. Box 838 Pepeekeo, HI 96783 Ph 964-1042 (FAX) 964-1003 MCCULLY 4 MOIULI-S King on water, wasnary. nice' o2o md ulils Tim 396 9652 approx 300 st ea. $1 90 2nd Itr. AC.
prkg 734 7623 plex. yard, deck, no pels Avail 111 $1050 239 8899 views. $659,000 (FS) ST LOUIS HTS. spectacular exchange tor cooking dinner KAHALA Brand new I tri executive 4 3' home Kalakaua. 1980 si.
prime WESTWOOD PROP 955 8550 KEALAULA LAI JusI Reduced' a hie house work 941 51UO HeweH Kel Marma waier front Maklkl Young St 280 350 8 KANEOHE 32. EXCL COND view, 3 bdrm. den. fge lanai. Ige hoi tub.
yd svc $2250 7358794 or 1 553 3943 inVila umnH Hi a nrml corner grnd ttf $2 JOsf Steven Sofos (R) 522 5995 Solos Realty Corp Immaculate 32 5 Manna Iron! Call! $647,500 (FS) Spiritual gutdanceheakng tor YD SVC. INCL NO Pt 15 Master bdrm wbath $525 Dep Share util 3969793 i.usr usm vaico Co 942 2411 Mon Fn 8 5 500-MOANALUA AREA (1) $4800 SandSea Rlty 524 6900. 488 7973 $1500 UTILS. Malcolm apt, rm or nousestt fob Hon WAHIAWAWHfTMORE Ige 3 973 1 800 days. 5953085 eves Walklkl.
trustworthy 940-1144 HAWAII KAI rm. 4 bdrm fl dolman 11 otMctates he. McCULLY Shopg Clr great Manoa Marketplace 400 3076 t. A WISE investment! 6 oarm auprex, yard, qiirel, no KAHALA collage studio, view. location, rois or prkg urouno KANEOHE 32 yard, 2 prkg pels, tliuo Ph 247 301 al Bmlt out Subdrvtdable JANCO REALTY 944 9703 house, nr bus.
no smoke drmk, waahdry, cable bdrm 2 bath. 2 en v-" trances 5000 sl (FS) 4 2nd ftr spaces 9557377 incl water $1400 486 9233 peaceful garden setting prkg, utils washdry, $900 Avail 111 734 8262 435-Rentalj Wanted WAHIAWA Whitmore Village md $450 dep 395 8642 SPECTRUM PROP INC Kamllo His Open 116 New $365,000 Keith DeLaCruz (RA) MAPUNAPUNA 2810 Paa SI MOILIILI University area Howell Kel share 32 view newer oarm nam. 2 prkg On Kulia St. $1300 No pets approx. 400 sq ground Kapahulu 2 bdrm 1 Vi balh, 2 3.2 home $339 900 FS End of Lunalilo Home Rd Masuda (B) MW rvtw voice pgr INVESTORS MANAGEMENT KAHALA large family style MAUI Sandra Sillapere 65 No.
Church Wailuku 96793 Ph. 244-0042 (FAX) 244-5170 washdry, pod, nosmkr Aval! floor, good location 941-1331 KUMU MAI MUM I. 4bb-4511 Adiacent lo Ben Franklin Crafts Officeretail 1512 st Avail, immed Direct freeway access 836 8899 CROZIER Dr. or other Shore beachfront, unturn hse. long term Excl rets 637 5707 JM5-52M5 JH Hlty 533 16 car garage yd nr pus, avail now, no pets $950 671-1653 now 00 Utll 396 5034 32, pool, utils yard svc $2400 Bradley Prop 524 9484 PROPERTIES INC.
847-6211 Nuuanu 4 Vineyard 7061460 Waialae IM immac 32 Vi ocn HAWAII KAI Walerlronl 1 KAPAHULU 31, 2 cv'd prkfl, view, tirepl, yd svc $2250 KAHALA remodeled 4 bdrm 3 sq fl prime retail. Reaa rent JANCO REALTY 944 9703 ALIAMANU 2 story. 4 bdrm 500-KAILUA 4) McCULLY Shopg Ctr 1208 Discovery Hay Hlty 940-330 bdrm in spacious 3 bdrm home, prkg $500 395-0876 no pets. $1450mo. 924-1828 KAMAAINA Lie Gen Contac lor seeks spacious 32 wyd Prefer Kaneohe Kahuku Rentremodel poss 293 2041 (I S) By owner EHNIE 42213503 by app 9J2 sqn urouno a 2nd fir Otc Retail spaces 955-7377 Shopping Clr.
frontage, Pearl Waialae IM (Pools St) quiet imin, pod, no peis. somu. Yard maint pool svc. inc! (W) 735 2896, (H) 737-5677 BEST BUY IN KAIMAUNO Large price reduction on up HAWAII KAI 1 rm 4 bdrm, 2 Kullouou renovaled Ige slu 32oencarpon, yd svc $1950 uty arep. retail space iou si John 623 9557, Sue 456 8042 OFFICE SPACE Downlown dio, beach, washdry.
yd, gar. Laubacner Heaity 942990 KAHALA 2 bdrm 1 bath 500-MOLOKAI bath home. Share balh No smoking. Neat. $525 396146 Mature person, non smoker, convenient location nr bus $1000 Pac Prop 53J i2 graded custom home with pool Call today to seel! Ml 43774 Barbara Johnson (HA) WAIALAE IKI 3 bdrm.
wden, appls, washdry. $1600 util. I'll jciu l. Fort Street Mall. 260410 si $1 50sf CAM.
Assigned prkg, 6 mo to 3 yrs Psntheon Co Ltd 5235111. 536 8912 KULIOUOU Waterfront TRUE WAIKIKI in busy shopping center Offices shops. Ph. 923-1191. shop, rent nog 526 2227 mag Ocean View lot 8370 sl Water fw xn iv msg 2.5 bath, ocean view, pool yard service incl $2100 KAHALA BEACHFRONT fully tnjjnr4i2'jW) i hh IQliN HUUUC OmTUWTT SENIOR couple need lo rent 2 KAHALA 21 duplex cottage.
HAWAIIAN LIVINU-42 cottage. Ige yard $2750mo Rein Nancv Bathen (R1 meter end 2Vtr mi of Kauna kakai EkcI buy $79 000 By owner. 1 558 8509 BILL HAMofcY INCJ 487 6700 fum house, non-smoker, pet ok $700 ulils 373-5040 PEARL CITY Bus Pla2a 3200 bdrm. 1 or 2 bath on Dec 1 prel Mililani area 455 2IV6 cozy, beach access ioo Norpac Group 9465008 WAIKIKI Retail Kiosks on the beach $1000mo JANCO REALTY 844 9703 Waialae Ik I 32 Dinmg 395 4565 CATHY GEORGE 4 sf avail 111 800 or 680 st possible 531 3526 Reuben KAHALA rm lux hse wpod, ASSOC INC 373 9H44 family rm, vw, yd svc $2800 mo Chen Rlty 955 4994 500-NORTH SHORE 6) Grand Champion Winner tor KAHALUU 3 2 BATH DUPLEX, VIEW. PH.
239-7714. nice. dean, quiet, person. no pets, $650 373 7032 PEARL CITY Lehua Ave 425 LAIE 3 bdrm $900 2 bdrm WAIKIKI BANYAN 1 bdrm condo 21 33193 Ph. (6171 6654559 or write Larson.
22 Gtendale. Melrose. MA 02176 the 1992 Parade ot Homes' Walklkl 2nd fl approx 250 I next to Waikiki newest, hottest Italian cafe 923-4818 WAIALAE IKI 32 vy. renoval- A walled in, ext Irving rm Parade ot Homes Model The sq ft ground fl $'00 NNN Charles Lizama (R) 7355755 KaHua Elegant home nr beach duplex $650 No pets 9 Jpm 732 1 752; 4 8pm 595 2968 KAHALUU 3 BORM 2 BATH, ed. new carpet, wesherdryer No pels $1800 373 3600 kilchen $257,000 (FS) Veterans Realty 6251991 Bluffs 1769 Kanapu Or OPEN 10500 PM $1300 NO PETS AVAIL 111.
PRIME KAKAAKO space MAILE: 31, new carpet, paint WAIKIKI 725 si. $3000 mo Brll Nelson (RA) PH JEFF 2398044 to snare wneai. non-srnoxer Lge yd, roomy kitchen, cable A laundry area Own Bath. $650 uM 2638541 WAIALAE NUI, Lovely view Kaiiua a finesti Residential fee BEACHFRONT HAUULA 445-froperty Wgmt For more mio, can Victoria Ward Ltd 531 6411 O707 big yard Open airy sec OK, $975 Must seel 946-8701 Santangeto Realty 732 KAILUA AA 2 bdrm 1 balh. simple lots starting al $260000 Fantastic incen home, 3Zgreat deck, excel cond.
$2000. mcl gardener. Worrall McCarter 732 6495 Great retreat Fee 637 3511 Marianne Ahrigo Properties REDUCE OFFICE COSTS AT KAILUA turn rm. a spacioua. MAKAHA, clean 21.
water. lives. Build your own or let us AAA Rental Management CERTIFIED HOMES INC 946-0800 newly painted. 1 small yrd water mcl. Avail 111.
no pels $1150 lease 261-8334 lenced. nr schoolbus 23 WARD WAREHOUSE. Ward Centre OuaHty retail spaces 250 2000 sq ft CaH VICTORIA WARD LTD 531 6411 SUNSET PT 2 bdrm1 balh quiet hse wpod $600 deposit utilities 262 7491 WAIANAEPokai Bay Village. mo Avail 111 695 8851 lee 6250 lot steps to beach By owner $325,000 638 8642 KAILUA BEACH Ige studio new j2. patio, wasndryer.
$1200 Ph 734 5057 MAKAHA 2 bdrm toe encl. inn KAILUA Lge exeo. 42. must help you with house plans Sales Office 262O0H9 Proper Ilea Unlimited 487 3855 Locations lnc 235 8700 3 courlesy to Brokers Headquarters Companies Individual Offices Immediately Avail no impiovemenl coat. Recepl phone ans conl secty FAX.
copy machines avail when needed. Waterfront Plara 522 9494 CENTURIAN can help you with your property management needs Ph 949102 across beach, lease, no cotiape Krrvate. came, utiis. mcl $650mo 262 9488 yard, see Non smoker wasnory. Avert 111 $550 262 2610 WOMEN'S APPAHEL STORE, busy downtown area.
910 tf retail space Call 284 3830 WAIANAE 21 duplex; prkg. 8. $900 Ph 841 20iz 500-NUUAJMU-ALEWA- KAILUA Beachfront 32 pole KAILUA own rm 3 bdrm 2 yard Pet ok No Sec $825 USA Hawaii Realty 6967913 Makaha 2 bdrm downstairs KAM HGTS. Ill nouse, Wlllkokl K1. S2SUU WAIANAE OFFICE.
Downtown balh house Washer Street prkg $400 utils 261 2511 duplex, all new carpeipaini, $1000 utrla ind 696 5135 Thomas Properties 973 3300 WAIANAE 31 duplexes, $900 BRAND NFW LISTINGS" Century 21 Aloha Properties 922-2121 470-Offlces Available now 1 year lease possible Ph 896 8415 KAILUA, beechside 32. spa FEE FOREVER! 2 MINUTES lo KAILUA Room for rent Own up. No pets. Avail, now Waianae Coaal Rlty 6966366 MAKAKILOexecutiva homes, TOWN (behind Chinese Con imuu studio $1000 Avail, immed UtHs incl. 263-0200 WAIKIKI furmsheduntur- EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in thu newspaper it subfect to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal lo advertise "any preference limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, lamiltal status, or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 Irving with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18.
This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising tor real estate which is in violation ol the law Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis To complain of discnmi-nation call HUD Toll-free at 1 -800-669 9777. The Toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1 800 927 9275 phone Avail now Washdry. $485 mcl utile 261 5367 44 or 43, brand new ko Johnson Prop Mgmt 735-3596 WAIMANALO Ige 3 bdrm wt sutale)! 2 separate properties 8174 sl level w'Older 936 sf AC 586 at ofc KalakauaPuna- hou $1 48 CAM Covd prkg 942 8808 5236846 Phyllis Mursoka (RA) Edwin Chu Rlty KAILUA clean 2 bdrm, den, 1 Iwln, Kalh mshed 1.756 sqfl 10 desks, central air, prkg avail. 6 mo 5 yrs, $1 50 nnn Roz. 955-4416 KAILUA share cozy 2 bdrm.
MAKAKILO den, bath, double carport, near schools. Avail 116 $1350 Call M. Jonas end yard Jarage, avail now. $950. 23-7085, 536 0935.
456 2091 EARLS MENTE REALTORS RESIDENTIAL RENTALS 942 9666 2 car gar, washer. 1200 8399972 1 bam house $550'mo. utils md Dep req 263-0779 21 home $435,000 mis 45097 5.799 sl level wrolder 936 st 21 home $395,000 mis 45098 MOTIVATED SELLER! A. Joel Cnz Assoc 524 5616 No pets WAIKIKI Share olc. space w.
235-0879, 684-3118 DON'T WAIT til the last minute to call in your ad! CALL EARLY! So we can give you the best possible service. CLASSIFIED 521-9111 KAILUA Enchanted Lakes. A clean turnkey 400. 1216. 2086 a I AC, parking $1 50 Queens Realty 841 4848 KaHua $400 own rm in 3 bdrm am.
business Termsrent neg MAKAKILO 3 bdrm 2 bath, WAIMANALO: Nice 22. avail rn afo-tojj 2 bath hse, washdry, prkg, Kapum Development Corp. Ltd. Property Mgmt. 923-1941 2, family rm, fenced, new paint Long term $l400mo yard, wasndry i2su oun Corp Sun Estates 487 0000 now $950 Call 2598010 Sam Sung Development even now 2Bi 94Q ive msg WAIPAHU 1188 3476' New, SELL IT! L-wjna jonnson (H) irxru AAA OFFICE SPACES up to 3000 sqfl.
available in prime WAIKIKI location 923 1191 KAILUA $590 mol. util Share MAKAKILO 3 bdrm 1 balh, Welmanalo 1 bdrm cottage, AC, turnkey wparking Phillip Kuchter (R) 524-REAL (7325) KAILUA Enchanted Lakes 32, LEEWARD PROPERTY MGMT. FAHRNI REALTY, INC. 486-4166 Classified. It's the easy and effective way lo attract buyers for all kinds ot items Ige beautiful home, washdry Deposit 254 1322 fenced yard, washerdryer, $1125 672 6981 atter 5pm yard.
svc, end garage $1550. 41-024 Hihimanu SI $950 incls watsrelec. Rets 396-0860 WAIPAHU 360 SQ FT $400 2BI HUtSH, 262HU20 AAA Various Offices Desk space $125. Air prkg Aaia Mall 521-3045 STANLEY UJIMORI REALTY KAIMUKI College, non smok MAKAKILO 32, ac. lanai, Suickly and conveniently ALL TODAY! Welmanalo 31, 1 blnck from ROT IA 1736 Akaakoa SI.
3 671-5628 McFADDEN PROPERTIES INC. Properly MgmtSales 488 7899 er, own rm, incl util. $415. 1192 293 3960583 ocean view, end. yard, opiion-al alarm $1450 Ph 456 9739 bdtm it bath, iga lamuy CLASSIFIED, 521-9111 beach, nr.
shops, $1400 utils Maikai Rlty 737 6017 WAIPAHU 508 Sq FT seciuoeo area or AAAAA 1347 KapKilam Blvd 350 4 512 sf $2 20sl gross Jerry Chmg Realty 531 4884 (I 10 f-. AVAIL 11'30 KAIMUKI Sierra Dr: Ige rm MAKAKILO 312 sundeck. Ko OISHI'S Properly Management Enchanted Lake $1600mo WAIPAHU Crestview. Brand ASSUME LEASE 677 5226 jo ju.m tor app t. wgmt tno.
nee wopen minoea mate, laundry, view $600 737-0101 Cna view. iuu. mo peis CaH Ph 671-7679 or 677-3024 AIEA, individual offices or Ward Ave 698 2000 66t KAILUA 3 bdrm, 2 bath, new apeciaitzing in condo a resi-denlial management 949-4702 PACIFIC ORIENT REALTY Ph. 941-9400 spanking new duplex In qutet Hale Lumi. 3 bdrm '2 5 bath, huge storage, $1550.
Kyoko ONeill (RA) Century 21 Ann Davidson Inc. 988 2102 KAUHI Room wbed a NEW MAKAKILO 4 bdrm 2V bath, desk space totally equipped for Real Eslale Proteasionats for Into can 488 0472 Nicole central AC, Baron Muusawa (RA) Herbert K. Honta Rlty, mo. 848 2268 31 houes for $425 dep 4 duplex wntce view, rod yd svc $1300 I yf lease Dempsey Weal Rlty 4840236 oarage, yard, avail 111. $1575.
ERA Stott 254-5556 UtH Ind. Call TOM 849-1620 Classified Continued on Page S-2.